The best solution is to reset 7z file password. I suggest you use eSoftTools 7z password recovery software. This tool can simply approach to ensure your password with the assistance of dictionary attack, mask attack, and brute force attack. It can support all 7z file versions and also work on all window versions like XP, 7,8,10, and onward. Users can download a free demo file to show the initial 3 letters of the password.
Read More:- Reset 7z file password

Recover your 7z file password with SysInspire 7z Password Recovery Software which is lost or forgotten and unable to open. It has multiple password recovery options:- Brute Force, Mask Attack, and Dictionary Attack which helps you to recover your password quickly. These techniques can recover alphabetical , numerical and complex passwords. It works with all Windows versions and previews the recovery process.
Read More:- Reset 7z file password
Change the folder name of the file you have downloaded to something else so that it’ll be easy for you to remember, lets’ say ‘John.’ Place the newly created folder in Desktop so that it’ll be easily accessible while browsing.
Open the ‘John’ folder and go to the folder named “Run.”
You will need to create a new folder inside the ‘Run’ folder, call it “Crack” like in the snapshot below.
Now, copy the ZIP file whose password you are in need to crack into the “Crack” folder.
Click on “Windows Icon” then open Command prompt, run it as administrator. You can also run a command prompt from the ‘Run’ application in Windows.
On the command interface, hit the command, ‘cd/Desktop/john/run.’ Basically, with this Command, we are calling windows to navigate through the “Run” folder.
Now, we are interested in creating a Hash value of the passwords to crack the ZIP files password. Hash, when matched with the real password, will generate an actual password on the command interface. To create hashes, type in the command “Zip2john.exe/crack/>crack/keys.txt.” Enter to execute. Password hashes are saved in keys.txt file.
Finally, we are all set to crack the Zip file password using hashes with a single command line.
Fire the command “john –format=zip crack/keys.txt” and Enter. The whole process is a brute force attack. If you are lucky enough, it will take some minutes to crack the password else. You need to wait hours if the password is lengthy. You can see the cracked password on the snapshot below, and it says, “ABC123.”
Recover the lost or forgetting password of a 7z file in just a simple way users can firstly download PassFixer 7z password recovery tool. It can securely recover all multi-language, alphabetical, numeric, symbolic, special key, and all types of password by the use of 3 unique techniques like brute force attack, mask attack, dictionary attack. In this tool there are no limitations in file size users can select or add a large number of files for the recovery. It has free demo edition of this tool which can recover the initial 3 character digit of a 7z file password.
Read More:- Reset 7z file password